Life in the malay kampungs of Kuching 50 years ago

Life in the Malay kampungs of Kuching 50 years ago

One of the less interesting books of my shack
 I  rewrite the back of the book  here

This book written 50 years ago and reprinted  on 2002 by the Sarawakian part of the printing facilities of the University of Msia seems as a  printout of a Word file and includes ca 90 pages in a format of 24.5 x 16.8 using a plasticized paper.
The  language  is rather  technical but still  easy to read , with  some Malay words  using in case  there is nothing  close to English , mostly used in italic form .
The book  consist of many drawings supposing made  by rapidos etc as that  time there wsa no computer . all  these  drawings show the respective points of the River Sarawak where these kampongs are located
IN the first part  the geo info are stated with morphology (alluvial places )climate and vegetation 

IN chapter  2 deals  with the population .There  is a short notice about the term Malay  or Malaysian and even about the local ethnicities migration . What is as mostly impressed was the high death rating 

Chapter 3 deals with  the economic activities of the population . There was a population of ca 1580  persons  tat time with ca 700 involved in labor and economics. There are also several examples on  how  woodcutting  was made that time , the earnings as well as also a timeline of the most important works of the area. I m impressed that they  required  c 28  hours for  gathering abt  4 tons of soil  gathered  into their boats with ca 20 hours for  expecting the tide. I really wonder if today is easier to do this work . the price  they earned  from this business was  $10 (ringgit? And how much  is today ? and also what is the adapted  money for today? )
Surely very hard  work 

Chapter 4 refers to  the  remain  economic activities  as laboring , as for Chinese or te government , fishing , farming , rubber  taping , shipping trading carpentry , gardening and so on 

Chapter 5 deals with the  remain economic activities , as income . Each kampong  has a different average income level 

Chapter 6 deals again with the water supply and the problems  happening  in the kampongs and the availability for water . Many times people  get to gather water the traditional way . Water Piping was  available in a very limited basis

Chapter 7 deals  with the social  geography describing  information  for each kampong

Chapter 8  dle with the  inside geography  ie about the society . house design , lighting ,diseases  diet , religion education and the related

Surely this book  has a limited interest .MY most interesting part  was  on how the hard work referred in the chapter  3 . Hope that today  cars and automotives   replaced  the traditional way 


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